Soul Writing: Tapping into Divine Guidance

We are no longer living in a time of learning we are living in a time of remembering
As Mother Earth continues to cleanse and purify, we are becoming more aware of the smallness, and fragility of our human nature as well as how our actions and daily choices are not longer serving us, or the planet.
It’s imperative, now more than ever, that we connect to the divine guidance and truth within. We are more than physical bodies. We are infinite souls that have entered this life for a specific purpose. Going through the daily motions of eat, sleep, work, repeat will not allow the space we need to hear the call of our soul’s divine guidance. Our minds are loud. This loudness is our ego, the part that wants to stay safe, locked in mediocrity. Ego speaks in the language of fear, worry, and judgment. It will do all it can to keep you from growing, evolving and tapping into high guidance, because that means change. The ego's biggest fear is change.
Quieting the Ego to Hear the Higher Self
It's critical that we consciously cultivate solitude and inner connection each day. This can be as simple as sitting in silence for five minutes with our eye's closed in the act of non-doing. The higher self whispers, which is why we must consciously create space to hear it’s voice over the incessant yelling of the ego. The higher self communicates your truth, your power, your soul’s purpose. It is your cheerleader encouraging you to grow, evolve, to awaken your inner peace, love and joy that has always been within. It is guiding you to remember who you are, why you chose this life mission. The Soul Writing Process gives time and space for these divine messages to be communicated, loud and clear on the page in front of you. Let’s begin.
The Soul Writing Process
Get Quiet
Find a space in your home that you will not be interrupted for at least 30 minutes. Wear earplugs if necessary. Place a journal or piece of paper and your favourite pen nearby. Smudge your space and body with palo santo or sage. Light a candle.Call Your Guides
Call in your guides, and angels and express gratitude for their love and protection. Invite them to be present for your ritual. It’s OK if you don’t know who your guides are; many of us don’t but do know that they are always with you and are waiting to assist you any time you call.Breathe Deeply
Begin by sitting in a comfortable position on the floor with your spine straight and hands resting on your knees or in your lap. Enjoy smooth, controlled, deep breaths through your nose. Make the inhale and exhale of equal length. After taking 10 deep breaths just allow your breath to naturally flow in and out of your nose.Find Gratitude
Cultivate a feeling of gratitude for being exactly where you are in your life right now. Feel the gratitude expand through your entire being. Sit in this space of gratitude for a couple of minutes.Start Writing
Begin silently repeating the mantra, “Who am I?” at least 20 times. Open your eyes and begin free-flow writing. Don’t think, just allow the writing to flow naturally. When your writing is complete close your journal and give thanks for the guidance received. Blow out your candle. Do not read your writing until the next day. For future Soul Writing sessions try writing an intention in your journal before you beginning. Ask for guidance specific to that intention and tailor your mantra to your intention as well. The sky’s the limit with soul writing—start exploring!