Energizing Your Day with a Rainforest Treasure: Yerba Mate

by Amanda Beisel
Start your day with a life sustaining amazonian beverage
Starting my day with a warm beverage is a non-negotiable morning ritual and since ditching the java I have been on a quest to find my new morning go to.
Matcha became my morning love for about 6 months post java detox. I blended it with vanilla cashew milk, and manuka honey creating a delicious morning delight. I really loved the health benefits, and smooth energy it provided each day. After 6 months I was on the quest once again so I could have variety and options for my morning beverage.
While attending a retreat in Costa Rica I was introduced to Yerba Mate. The owner of the retreat centre was from Argentina and Yerba Mate is the national drink of his country and is consumed 6x more than coffee. What really intrigued me about this drink is the traditional way to drink it with a gourd and bombilla. It is said that Yerba Mate has the “strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate" all in one beverage.
Yerba Mate is naturally caffeinated and also contains theobromine, theobromine is the molecule in chocolate that is similar to caffeine but is much milder due to its molecular make up. While it promotes energy in the body, its effects are not felt by the central nervous system resulting in a more gentle, subdued feel-good type of energy.
Yerba Mate contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and is loaded with antioixdants. A famous study done in 1964 proclaimed that Yerba Mate has all the necessary amino acids, nutrients and minerals necessary to sustain life!
Benefits of drinking yerba mate tea
- contains 24 vitamins and antioxidants
- contains 15 amino acids
- Rich in antioxidants - way more than green tea.
- Has immune boosting properties
- Enhances your concentration and mental clarity
- Increases Energy
- Keep your colon healthy by stimulating efficient elimination
Where to find Yerba Mate?
You can buy it online or at your local grocer. My two favourite brands are Guayaki and the Green Yerba Mate from Tealyra